Friday, November 24, 2017

Supporting influential health leaders of tomorrow

Thanks to all our Health Sector Leadership Program (HSLP)  graduates, supporters and partners that attended our alumni reunion last night. Graduates enjoyed the celebration on a beautiful Melbourne evening and were treated to an inspiring and powerful presentation by Dr Bronwyn King who spoke about her incredible journey to remove tobacco companies from super funds.

Over 180 aspiring future leaders have graduated from the HSLP, which is supported by Guild Insurance, since it commenced in 2011. The program is a joint ADAVB collaboration with Pharmacy Society, Osteopathy Australia, Chiropractors’ Association, Speech Pathologists’ Association, Dietitians Association and Optometry Victoria.

Thanks to Leadership Victoria, program partner since 2013 and Guild Insurance. Together we're guiding and supporting influential health leaders of tomorrow.

Pictured (L-R):
Jason Yap, Devin Ong, Samantha Lew, Stephen Liew, Alison Sahhar and Jonathon Teoh.

TGA Workshops: Codeine up-scheduling

From 1 February 2018, medicines containing codeine will no longer be available over the counter in pharmacies.

The Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is working in collaboration with Primary Health Networks and pain specialists to ensure health professionals dealing with chronic and acute pain management have alternative strategies to use in preparation for 1 February and beyond.

The TGA is running an evening workshop on the up-scheduling of codeine. Come along and learn more about the changes and engage with senior TGA representatives as well as leading specialists in acute and chronic pain management and addiction.

Workshop details

Date: Tuesday 28 November 2017
Time: Arrival 5pm for 6pm start
Location: Mantra on Russell, 222 Russell St Melbourne.


If you are interested in attending, please email with the following information:

  • Full name of representative/s attending
  • Name of organisation and/or your position
  • Phone number and email address of attendees
  • Topic suggestions for discussion panel
  • The location of your event
  • Dietary requirements if applicable

Coffee, tea and light finger food will be provided for an hour before the workshop commences.

For further information please visit the TGA Codeine Information Hub.

For further enquiries, please contact TGA Regulatory Education on 1800 020 653 or email

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Congratulations to Dr Jessica Manuela – Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year 2018

In another significant achievement for our Tasmanian fellow ADA members, Dr Jessica Manuela, has been awarded the Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year 2018.

Dr Manuela, an Indigenous Tasmanian, was recognised for her outstanding commitment to improving oral health in Tasmanian Indigenous communities. As well as running two busy dental practices, Dr Manuela regularly presents information sessions about oral health for school students and community groups.

Together with the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation, Dr Manuela has established a culturally-appropriate program that helps Indigenous Tasmanians access dental care.

This significant award was presented to Dr Manuela by Will Hodgman, Premier of Tasmania. The ADAVB and ADATas warmly congratulate Dr Manuela on this much deserved honour. We wish Dr Manuela well for her trip to Canberra in 2018, where she will be a worthy contender for the National Young Australian of the Year Award, to be awarded at an official ceremony by the Australian Governor General and Prime Minister.

Find out more:

Friday, November 17, 2017

Assoc/Prof Leonard Crocombe awarded Medical Research Future Fund Fellowship for Translating Research Into Practice

Congratulations to Assoc/Prof Leonard Crocombe, ADATas Member and Councillor, awarded the Medical Research Future Fund Fellowship (MRFF) for Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP) for his project: ‘Sustaining oral and systemic health in Residential Aged Care Facilities’ at the University of Tasmania.

The announcement was made as part of a $70 million Federal Government Health and Medical Research funding boost to improve research capability and promote innovation and practical healthcare solutions.

The ADAVB and the eviDent Foundation support translation of research into clinical practice as a practical way to improve health outcomes for Australians. The recognition and funding of this significant oral health project brings oral health into the spotlight and promotes our world-class research capabilities.

About the funding
Media release

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

NHMRC 2017 Public statement on fluoridated water declares that it is a "safe, effective and ethical way to help reduce tooth decay"

The NHMRC has released its 2017 Public Statement - Water Fluoridation and Human Health in Australia, declaring that fluoridated water is a "safe, effective and ethical way to help reduce tooth decay".

NHMRC has supported community water fluoridation as a population health measure since 1952, and regularly reviews the scientific evidence on this topic.

The 2017 Public Statement is based on a comprehensive review of the evidence, published in 2016, and the translation of this evidence into the NHMRC Information Paper – Water fluoridation: dental and other human health outcomes, published in 2017.

The ADAVB supports the fluoridation of drinking water supplies in Victoria. Water fluoridation helps protect teeth against decay, and is the most effective way of allowing everybody access to the benefits of fluoride.

Learn more:

Download a copy of the Public Statement

Background about the statement

ADAVB position and water fluoridation in Victoria

Thursday, November 09, 2017

CHOICE and ADA call for added sugar to be labelled on food packs

CHOICE and the Australian Dental Association are calling for added sugar to be labelled on food packs. You can add your voice to this urgent message by emailing your Health Minister on the Choice campaign website.

On 24 November, Health Ministers across Australia will decide whether food companies should label added sugar. Tell your Health Minister to support added sugar labelling! Do you want to know how much added sugar is in your food? Join the CHOICE/ADA campaign today.

Visit the campaign website:

View and share our video featuring Matthew Hopcraft, CEO ADAVB, on Facebook

Share the campaign with friends, family and colleagues. Urge them to get online and email their Health Minister! Together, let's make sure our Health Ministers make the right decision.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Had an experience with a health fund that you're not happy with?

The ADAVB supports the ADA’s Time2Switch campaign, which aims to highlight the issues members and patients experience with private health insurers, and to address the lack of transparency around policies and cover.
The November Victorian Dentist newsletter (for ADAVB members) includes a health fund incident report lift-out for you to fill in, detach and send back to us. You can also find this lift-out in your online Victorian Dentist. This evidence will help us present a stronger advocacy position.

You can also visit to sign an online letter of complaint to the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman.

Patients who are unsatisfied with their dental rebates can visit to learn more about rebates and file a complaint.

Same treatment, same policy, same rebate - ADA calls for end to discriminatory rebates at Senate Inquiry into private health insurance

About the Senate Inquiry

The ADA has successfully lobbied for a Senate Inquiry into private health insurance calling for an end to discriminatory rebates - standing up for the Australian public and dentists.

On Tuesday 31 October, ADA President Hugo Sachs and CEO Damian Mitsch appeared before the Senate Inquiry into private health insurance where they made a strong and well-informed case for legislative change to prohibit the use of discriminatory rebates.

“Patients who hold the same policy and who receive the same treatment should receive the same rebate from their health fund, irrespective of the dentist who provides that treatment.”

This was the clear message at the Senate Inquiry. Find out more on our Facebook posts.

About the ADA's submission

The ADA’s submission to the Senate Community Affairs Committee Private Health Insurance Inquiry, which was published on the Inquiry website 13 October, highlights the discriminatory, anti-competitive and at times unethical way some health funds are operating in the “extras” insurance space, with negative consequences for many consumers and dental practitioners.

In its submission, the ADA made 26 recommendations for reform designed to make “extras” insurance and the operations of private health funds more transparent, more accountable, and fairer for all policy holders and healthcare providers.

Find out more

Dr Hugo Sachs also appeared on radio to discuss health insurance and how it discriminates against dental procedures.

Listen to the podcast

Listen to Hugo Sachs and Damian Mitsch talking about the Senate Inquiry

Photo sourced from ADA Facebook page